#5: Surroundings



Sanctify your Surroundings, the fifth principle of Power Living, is about detoxifying your environmental energy to sustain your flow and support your vision. It prompts you to ask the questions:

  • Do I feel at home in my house?
  • Am I experiencing financial flow?
  • Do the people around me charge or drain my energy?
  • How do I interact with the world around me?
  • To live more simply is to live thoughtfully in the Present and to organize your life around your Purpose. In the Power Living Practice, we share various ways to detoxify your environmental energy, from eating in season and creating a green home, to learning how to let go and create financial flow.

    Learn more about Power Living in the 40 Days to Power Living: Think, Eat & Live on Purpose book and/or get individual help through our coaching programs. Find out how to detoxify your life in the Seven-Day PWR Detox.

    ADD YOUR VOICE: Share your greatest challenges and triumphs by posting a comment. For inspiration, check out The Power of… column.

    Photo Credit: Dan / FreeDigitalPhotos.net

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