Masood Ali Khan & Sheela Bringi- Music & the Spirit

In Power Living® with Dr. Terri Kennedy, join the Conversation with Masood Ali Khan & Sheela Bringi on “Music & the Spirit.” Masood is an instructor at the Academy of Human Universal Energy and Spirituality, and has been a practitioner of yoga for two decades. In addition to playing hand drums, guitar and the didgeridoo, he discovered a relatively new percussive instrument called the “hang” which he used primarily on his album Hang With Angels. Sheela is a vocalist who plays multiple instruments including the North & South Indian classical flute, piano, harp & harmonium. She has worked with artists from a variety of backgrounds.PremaSoul is her collaboration with Jazz musician Clinton Patterson. The opening and closing music in the video is from a kirtan at the Dharma Yoga Center in New York.

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Posted by Teresa Kay-Aba Kennedy, Ph.D., MBA.
