






Power Living Enterprises, Inc. is a media, training and consulting company known for using a multidisciplinary and holistic approach to innovation, transformation and success, and for partnering with other best-in-class companies. We have three primary activities:

  • Publishing & Brand Management – Power Living Media creates and publishes multi-platform content that inspires minds and empowers success. For us, success is about living a healthy, fulfilled and prosperous life so we cover a range of categories such as spirituality, healthy living, personal communication, self-help, yoga, mindfulness and leadership. We have been honored to work with female icon, Tao Porchon-Lynch over the past decade. What started off as a book project turned into a multi-year initiative to manage her brand and establish her legacy.
  • Training & Events – The Power Living Institute for Health, Transformation & Leadership delivers training, events and coaching programs that make a difference. We have led sessions for hundreds of organizations from corporations such as Bloomberg Media and government groups such as the New York City Department of Consumer Affairs to women’s groups such as Women in Leadership Development and health organizations such as the Cleveland Clinic’s Speaking of Women’s Health. From leadership development to mindfulness training, we have expertise in a range of formats and have delivered over 2,500 hours of client-coaching.
  • Consulting – PLE Consulting specializes in strategy, digital, data analytics, and change management. We have advised billion-dollar companies on their own multi-platform engagement strategies and developed integrated people-process-technology solutions. Serves as C-suite advisor. Range of industries, e.g. film, TV, music, health, retail, e-commerce, community development. Brings cross-sector, global perspective. Recent projects in e-commerce and data analytics in the retail space.


Learn more about our Founder, get some inspiration from the wwwIAmPowerLiving.com empowerment platform and buy our products from the www.PowerLivingMedia.com e-commerce platform. To connect with us, email info@power-living.com or call 212-901-6913.

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