
TK200x250fJOur programs are led by Harvard-trained Strategist and Executive Coach, Teresa Kay-Aba Kennedy. She started off on the staff of Harvard Business School consulting/writing case studies on Fortune 500 companies. Over her 25-year career, she has worn many hats from strategist and operations expert and technology pioneer to internationally-recognized mindfulness/yoga teacher and award-winning author. With a unique multidisciplinary background, she has what has been called “holographic thinking”–able to view problems from different perspectives. As a Young Global Leader to the World Economic Forum, she also has an extensive global network and is privy to the latest thinking around the world. She is a coach’s coach.  In addition to hands-on coach training from IPEC–the Institute for Professional Excellence in Coaching and the Institute for Integrative Nutrition, she learned directly from a master. Her father, Dr. James Scott Kennedy, was a pioneer in Executive Leadership Training in the 1950s, training executives from IBM and other top companies. She has mentored new certified coaches and provided over 2,500 hours of coaching to individuals. For more, go to

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