TK Cards

Quote Cards from Teresa Kay-Aba Kennedy.

Be Fully Conscious


COMMITMENT CARD: No matter what is going on, where I am or whom I am with, I have eyes wide open. I am present in each moment. I seek Truth and transparency. I refrain from making excuses for myself, and pay attention to how I show up every day…

Be Fiercely Passionate


COMMITMENT CARD: No matter what is going on, where I am or whom I am with, I lead with passion. I listen to the whispers of my heart and make choices that fire up my spirit. I do what I love, not what I think I “should” do. I notice what feels good and gravitate to what makes me smile.

Be Unapologetically Well


COMMITMENT CARD: No matter what is going on, where I am or whom I am with, I put my health and wellbeing first. I notice what my body is telling me. I keep active so my energy can flow. I plan ahead to ensure I have the fuel I need to feel good. I ask for what I want and need…

Peace Is A Choice


QUOTE CARD: “Peace is a choice. In any given moment,
you have the freedom to choose
how you want to respond to a situation.”
-Teresa Kay-Aba Kennedy