Spread Happiness

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It’s been said, “Happiness is like jam. You can’t spread even a little without getting some on yourself.”

How often do you share happiness? International Day of Happiness, which began in 2013, is celebrated on the March 20th equinox across the globe to encourage people to “create a happier world.” Happiness is truly good for all. It lowers blood pressure, combats stress, strengthens the immune system, reduces pain and improves longevity. It also builds community and increases productivity. So, spread happiness. Join the GREAT DREAM with these 10 Keys to Happier Living: 1) Giving – Do things for others. 2) Relating – Connect with people. 3) Exercising – Take care of your body. 4) Awareness – Live life mindfully. 5) Trying out – Keep learning new things. 6) Direction – Have goals to look forward to. 7) Resilience – Find ways to bounce back. 8) Emotions – Look for what’s good. 9) Acceptance – Be comfortable with who you are. 10) Meaning – Be part of something bigger. Create more happiness in the world around you and we will all thrive.

Until next time, remember-it’s your divine life, live it to the fullest. The power is in your hands!

With Purpose & Power,


Contributed by Teresa Kay-Aba Kennedy.

Image: photostock / FreeDigitalPhotos.net
