Do It Now

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As Pablo Picasso said, “Only put off until tomorrow what you are willing to die having left undone.”

What “must” you do in your lifetime? At one point I thought my stay on earth was running out and I had possibly weeks to live. All of a sudden I gained clarity as to what was important to me. Little things I had worried about before seemed to no longer matter. I stopped “majoring in the minor” and started evaluating my use of each moment. I shifted my priorities and created a shorter list of “heart’s desires”–which consisted mainly of experiences and connections with people. Whatever is in your heart, do it now. Say “yes” to things you have delayed due to fear or uncertainty and “no” to things that seem obligatory. Don’t wait for “perfect” timing because tomorrow is not promised. Unabashedly let your inspirations loose on the world. The only time that’s “right” is right now.

Until next time, remember–it’s your divine life, live it to the fullest. The power is in your hands!

With Purpose & Power,


Written and designed by Teresa Kay-Aba Kennedy. Read more Dose of Power Living. For information on syndication email

Be sure to order my latest book, Dancing Light: The Spiritual Side of Being Through the Eyes of a Modern Yoga Master, on 97-year-old yoga master Tao Porchon-Lynch. Learn more by watching Tao Porchon-Lynch Amazing Autobiography: Dancing Light and Amazing 97-year-old Yoga Master Tao Porchon-Lynch – Inspiration, Life & “Dancing Light.”
