Work Smart

New Home

New Home

Dear Dr. Terri K: I have a small financial advisory firm based in New York City and I just bought a house in Philadelphia to lower my cost structure. I have decided to keep my New York office… commute in three days a week and work from my new home two days. How can I manage my schedule so I still grow the business, have a social life (I am single) and not burn out! – DAVID, New York/Philly

DAVID: First, congratulations on your new home. Homeownership is a key step to creating your own wealth. I also commend you for doing what it takes to keep your personal expenses under control. Many entrepreneurs fail to do that. Here are some suggestions to keep your energy in tact and maximize your new situation:

  • Set up an efficient home office. Since you are in a new space, you have an opportunity to create an environment that truly supports your success. Organize your office for optimum efficiency. Use technology and shelves/files to simplify your processes and prevent/reduce clutter.
  • Keep a regular schedule when you are working from home. Sometimes when entrepreneurs work from home they get too lax with their habits. Set a realistic timetable for the days you are home. You may vary it by doing a slightly longer workout. Get dressed (you don’t have to be in a suit but do get out of your pajamas!) and go to your home office (even if it is down the hall) at a reasonable time.
  • Leverage your commute. If you are taking mass transit, use the time to catch up on the news, read, plan and/or review your day. If you are driving, you can also use the time to rev up your mental state on the way to work by listening to motivational tapes, and unwind on the way home by listening to an audio book. Whatever you do make the time positively productive!
  • Schedule your social time. Let friends know which days you will be in New York so you can make a point to catch up when possible. Begin to systematically develop a social life in Philadelphia.
  • Plan ahead. Pack healthy snacks for your commute. Think about your meals on the New York days since you will probably get home later. Keep an extra dress suit and shirt at your office in case of a last minute dinner event or you need a quick change of clothes. Also keep workout clothes and sneakers on hand for last minute playtime!

    It all starts with the Power of Choice. Make a choice today to take control of your energy and your business. Start Power Living Today!

    - T

    Contributed by Teresa Kay-Aba Kennedy, Ph.D., MBA. Part of the Power Living® Empowerment Series. Learn more about transforming your life in 40 Days to Power Living®: Think, Eat & Live on Purpose.

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